Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Conner's "Tools"

Last week Conner and I were sitting on the floor doing laundry and I asked him to push all of the clothes closer to me because it hurt my back and stomach to reach for them. He said “I’m sorry Mom, is it because you have a baby in your tummy?”

I told him “Yeah, sometimes having a baby in my tummy makes me hurt.” He had a concerned look on his face and said he’d be right back and he ran around the house gathering a few things. He came back with a basket full of stuff…he had a back massager, a brush, a fan, a bell, and a few other things…and proudly said “Mom, these are my tools to take care of you until the baby comes out!”
I LOVE this kid! He had me ring his bell when I was done having him rub my back, brush my hair, or fan me. When he was done he asked “Mommy, are you feeling a little better?” So sweet!! When Nathan got home, I told Conner to use his tools on Daddy but Conner said “No, I can’t use them on HIM because he doesn’t have a baby in his tummy!” Haha!

Since then, he has taken time out of every day to pamper me. He constantly tells me "Mom, let me know if you arn't feeling good and I'll take care of you." It melts my heart every time!


Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

Awwww, that is the sweetest thing ever!!!! <3

Becky said...

What a sweet boy! Maybe I should've waited with this one until Kimball was older and could pamper me. :)