Saturday, October 10, 2009

The "Army Crawl"

Conner has been mobile for a while now (he used to roll everywhere he wanted to go) but he just recently started to scoot everywhere on his belly. We don’t think that it will be too much longer before he starts crawling and his main motivation will be to catch our cat Patches. For some reason he has become really interested in being able to play with her so he chases her around the living room all day and it is really funny! Patches knows that Conner is no real threat now but she is going to learn to fear him. :) Here are a couple of videos of Conner trying to play with her. Sorry the heater in the background is so stinkin loud!

Here is another video of Conner getting excited about cornering Patches behind his car seat. Sorry it is so dark! (I realize that all these videos are of pretty much the same thing but I couldn't decide which ones to post so I did them all!... I like to think that everyone is as facinated by my child as I am) :)

We also keep Conner entertained (we also find that it entertains us) :) by dropping a baby puff halfway across the room and he scoots to retrieve it. What a fun game!


Whitney R said...

Those were some cute videos! I'm glad you posted all three :) I love that he thinks it's so fun and is laughing so much. And the puff thing is great! Playing fetch with your child - can't think of a greater way to spend a nice family evening. :D I'm excited to see you soon! Because Conner will be much more entertaining than mine.

Lena Gilbert said...

Very cute videos...he is definitely more mobile than Lucy but I am okay with that because I also have a 2 year old running around! I showed the videos to Lucy so hopefully she gets moving soon...

Victoria Gilbert said...

What a cutie!! I hope he doesn't get a rug burn on his belly! He army crawls just like Josh did. Josh would push off with his big toe on one foot, and he had a big callus on that one toe. He never did change his crawl to a real hands-and-knees crawl :) It will be fun to see what Conner does next!