Thursday, April 25, 2013

Cocoa the Kitty

A couple of weeks ago Conner and Jayden had been playing outside and when they came in they, of course, “forgot” to close the back door behind them. I changed Jayden’s diaper and afterwards he quickly sat up, pointed, and yelled “kitty!” I turned around and he was right, a black and white kitten had wandered into our living room! The kids were thrilled and played with the kitty nonstop for an hour, with Conner randomly asking “can we keep it!?” The kitty was extremely kid- friendly, it loved all of the attention it was getting and didn’t even mind being mauled by Jayden. Conner fed the cat his leftover chicken nuggets from lunch and got the kitty a bowl of milk. When the kids came in for nap/quiet time the kitty sat right outside the sliding glass door the entire time and I knew we were in trouble! When Daddy got home he squashed the kid’s hopes of keeping the cat but said that the kids could play with it when it came to visit. A fair compromise I suppose….although he did put it out the front door in hopes that it wouldn’t be able to find its way back! It took a couple of days but eventually the kitty found its way back. Since then we have gotten kitty food, treats, and I helped Conner make it a cardboard house which he took great pride in painting, coloring, and covering in a million stickers.  While he was decorating it he ran inside and yelled “I know, I want to name her Cocoa!” The kitty loves her new cardboard palace and hangs out in there whenever it is windy or cold. We aren’t sure if it belongs to someone else but it is at our house 75% of the time just waiting outside for the kids to come play.
Conner usually spends at least an hour of his day outside with the kitty. It has been so cute to see him take care of her. He brushes her, makes sure she has food and water, tries to teach her tricks, and talks to her nonstop. Some of the conversations make me laugh! One day it started raining so Conner came inside to put on his rain coat. When he went back out he said “Cocoa it’s me, I’m just wearing a different coat. I’m still Conner, the boy you love.”

1 comment:

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

Don't lie, you KNOW you wanted that kitty to stick around too! ;) And that is the cutest thing ever than Conner said!!! <3