We spent Thanksgiving this year with Nathan’s family in Washington and had a great time… the majority of the time. We had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner. Nathan’s Grandma cooked most of the food and us girls contributed by making homemade rolls and pies. Mmmm… it was delish.Jayden slept through his first Thanksgiving dinner but enjoyed his dinner afterwards… Nathan made sure to feed him a turkey and veggie flavored baby food because everyone should have turkey on Thanksgiving! What a good Daddy!Of course we had to participate in Black Friday but the only big store in Nathan’s home town is Wal-mart so we didn’t have a whole lot of options. Nathan waited in line for two hours and was able to get an Xbox and Kinect. I was in charge of getting the games for the Kinect. They had games that were regularly $49 for only $15! I Iooove me a good deal! I was right up in the front and I got my hands on a copy of Dance Central and turned to leave and this guy… who had not even been waiting in line… ran up and tried to pull it out of my hands. I held on tighter (I wasn’t going to give up that easily!) but he pulled really hard and yanked me to the ground and made off with my game! I can’t believe some people! I saw him later and I said “You STOLE my game!” but he just pretended to be deaf… I was SO mad! It ruined the whole Black Friday experience for me… but I’m pretty sure it won’t stop me from going again next year… I will just be more cautious! The next day the flu started running rampant through the house and one by one we became infected… even those brave enough to visit were unlucky enough to catch it! The kids broke in the new furniture… leather was a good choice! Despite the plague we managed to have a good time spending quality time with family!
ALWAYS has is tounge hanging out! He is also making funny little faces all the time. He does this fake cheesy smile where he grins as big as he can and squints his eyes. He also clenches is gums together so tight that he shakes... then laughs because he knows it's funny... or maybe because we are laughing as him! He is such a silly little boy and we love him so much!
Halloween was so much fun this year because Conner was old enough to really enjoy it. The kids got plenty of use out of their costumes and we all felt a little “Halloweened out” by the time Halloween actually got here… or maybe it was just me? Friday night was our ward Trunk-or-Treat. Conner was SO excited about it and kept asking to go. I told him “When you wake up from your nap it will be time to go.” I woke him up from his nap by “flying” around his room wearing my butterfly wings. He sat up with a big smile on his face and groggily said “Cute butterfly wings mama. You can fly!” Conner dressed up as a cute little Elmo… although it was hard to tell what he was because he wasn’t a big fan of wearing his hood. And Jayden was the most adorable little monkey! Conner was really concerned that Nathan wasn’t wearing a costume. “Where’s Daddy’s costume? What Daddy gonna be?” Nathan told him “I’m going to be a Daddy.” Conner wasn't too impressed with his creativity. We had a ton of fun at the party and Conner was thrilled about all the candy he got. But he wasn't too happy about Jayden checking out his goodies.The bishop gave out apples and after only eating two pieces of candy Conner chose to eat his apple. I can’t get him to eat more than two bites of apple on a regular day let alone on a day when he has a bucket of candy in front of him!On Saturday morning we dressed the kids up and went to a little carnival at the community college. They had a lot of games that Conner had a ton of fun playing. Although we realized that we need to work with him on his throwing skills… he would stand six inches from what he was trying to hit and still miss! At the bean bag game he walked all the way up to the hole and stuck the bean bag in rather than attempting to throw! After the carnival we went over to Main Street where you could trick or treat at the businesses. Conner has an obsession with picking up leaves (ever since we collected them on a nature walk) and I think he ended up with as many leaves in his bucket as he did candy! On Halloween day Conner got to wear his costume to preschool for a Halloween party. And then that evening we went trick or treating around our neighborhood with our neighbor friends. Conner is best buddies with their little boy Easton and they had so much fun running from door to door. If the person who answered the door was wearing a scary costume Conner would come grab my hand and make me go with him to get his candy. At most of the doors Conner would keep standing on the doorstep after he got his candy awkwardly staring until the person gave him another piece of candy, shut the door, or I went up to get him. We weren’t planning on staying out too long because Conner already had a ton of candy and it was really cold but the kids were having so much fun that we kept going until us parents were too cold! Here he is with his hard earned loot!
While it was still warm outside we took Conner to the little corn maze that they have here in town. Conner had SO much fun! He would randomly start running while yelling “Monsters are coming!” and we would all have to run to get away. We let him choose which way we would go and whenever there was a fork in the path he always chose left... luckily the maze was pretty small so we eventually found our way out. Outside of the maze was a little fire with hay bales around it. Conner insisted on sitting by the fire for fifteen minutes. We kept asking “Can we go yet?” and he would say “Nope, not yet. I still watching the fire.” Me and Conner hiding in the corn... getting ready to scare Daddy and Jayden! Jayden loved it too... he pretty much loves going anywhere in the front pack. He giggled and smiled the whole way.
Nathan and Jayden climbing a corn stalk…?
The best part about the corn maze… all you can eat corn!
In the spirit of the season we got a couple of pumpkins to carve. Conner requested that Nathan carve a spider in his and of course he did... being the nice Daddy that he is. When I asked Conner to stick his hand into the pumpkin he told me “I can’t Mom, it too scary. Monsters in there.” (Apparantly monsters are out to get us...)We finally convinced him to help out but he wasn’t super excited about getting his hands all gooey. He told me “It too weird.” Haha!After cleaning my pumpkin and starting to carve my bat Conner and I ditched the project to make Halloween shaped rice krispie treats instead! Nathan was nice enough to finish mine for me! They turned out awesome but I can’t take much credit for them!
…that show me that Conner really does love his little brother. Even though he steals toys from him on a daily basis and often tells Jayden “stop talkin to me!” I know that Conner loves Jayden and will be a good big brother. I have told Conner lots of times that if he doesn’t hurry and pick up his toys that they will get vacuumed up… and it works about half of the time! Today when I got out the vacuum he yells “Oh no my colored pencils!” and hurries and picks them up. Jayden was still lying on the living room floor and Conner yells “Mommy don’t vacuum up baby Jayden!” I tell him “He better hurry and move out of the way so he doesn’t get vacuumed up huh?” At that Conner got really upset and told me “Mommy put Jayden on the couch! Don’t vacuum him up!” and tries as hard as he can to pick Jayden up. When he couldn’t lift him he almost started crying. I told him “Mommy is just being silly. I would never vacuum Jayden up, I love him too much.” With tears in his eyes he says “Mommy bein silly!” and starts laughing like he knew it was a joke all along! I love that he was so concerned about his little brother! I guess I can see why Conner thought that Jayden was too cute to vacuum up! :)
Ever since we went to the Salt Lake temple for Jason’s wedding Conner has been obsessed with temples. When he plays with blocks he doesn’t build towers… he builds temples. I have been corrected for accidentally calling it a tower... “It a temple Mom.” ... whoops my bad. :) Conner building his “alphabet temple.” He was so proud of it and was so excited to show it to his Daddy. His new favorite activity is drawing. He is always carrying around his markers and crayons. Some of his favorite things to draw are rainbows, Daddy, balloons, shapes, letters, and of course temples. It is quite often that he proudly says "Mommy come see the temple I draw!" :)
Saturday was Nathan and I’s anniversary… 6 years! It is crazy how fast time flies! We celebrated by going to Idaho Falls and having my Mom babysit our kids while we went out on a date. We were planning on dinner and a movie but after eating a late dinner we decided we were too tired to go to a late movie and called it a night… proof that we are getting old!
The next morning we drove up to Island Park with my family for a fun weekend at the cabin. It had been over a year since the last time I went up so I really wanted to go. We were worried that it would be too cold but it was actually a really nice weekend. As tradition called for, we went and fed the fish. Conner thought that it was great and would throw whole hoagie buns in at a time and then acted surprised when we ran out of bread really fast. Haha.
I wanted to take a picture of Jason and Laura jumping on the bridge but after three tries this is the most Jason got off of the bridge.. a whole inch! :)
We went shooting but we didn’t bring anything to shoot at. We considered having Teresa be a moving target but we decided to make use of the snow and made snowballs to shoot at instead!... lucky for Teresa!
After posing for this picture Teresa asked “I don’t really have to shoot it do I?” We didn’t let her get off that easy! If you are going to pose with the gun you gotta shoot it!Conner and Kynzee LOVE each other and play so well together. While they were downstairs playing fooseball by themselves Alissa and I hid and listened to them talk. It was so funny to hear their conversation. Kynzee: “Conner help me.” Conner: “I can’t Kynzee I not strong!” Jayden and Kayden being their super cute selves! They are both such happy easy going babies. They are going to be best buddies… I just know it!
It was even warm enough to hang outside for a while while we had a fire and roasted hot dogs and made smores. It was Laura's first time ever roasting a marshmallow because they don't have them in Paraguay... that alone makes the trip to the U.S. worth it! :)We had such a great time! We will be spending Christmas up at the cabin too but by then there will be a WHOLE LOT of snow!Happy Anniversary Nathan! You are my best friend and I love you so much! Thanks for an amazing six years! :)
Nathan and I met while we were both attending BYU-Idaho and were married October 8, 2005 for time and all eternity in the Idaho Falls temple. We both graduated in April 2009 with our Bachelors degrees. Mine in Accounting and Nathan's in Business Management. We now live in Twin Falls with our two cute boys!