Saturday, July 11, 2009


Nathan thought it would be funny to teach Conner a new trick...

Don't worry it was a clean toe! He sucked on it for a little bit but wasn't too sure what to think. I told Nathan to stop putting it in his mouth... but only after I laughed and took a couple of pictures... :)

Conner has been laughing ALOT lately and it is so much fun being able to get a reaction out of him. He especially gets a kick out of playing peek-a-boo because he thinks something about it is incredibly funny. Here is a video from today of Nathan making him laugh. It is nice to know that at least someone thinks that we are funny... even if he is just a baby...


Whitney R said...

His laugh is so cute! Man I really don't like that you guys moved away. It's boring! Just last night Jaren and I drove past your apartment and I said, "It's sad that Nathan and Steph don't live there anymore." he said, "I know, I was just thinking the same thing yesterday." See! Come back - we miss you....

And, I love your blog header! I wish I could see more of your pages!

Nana said...

That was so cute, thanks for the video, I love hearing him laugh. :)

Unknown said...

He is really cute! Our baby LOVES sucking on her big toe and we never taught her to do it...she learned that one all on her own! So smart! HA!

Randi and Adam said...

That is so stinkin cute! I can't believe how big he is getting! It's neat to see that other people have as much fun with their kids as we do!