Friday, December 10, 2010

December Happenings

When I was painting my toenails, Conner wanted me to paint his too! I was only going to do one toe but he kept pointing to each toenail, wanting them ALL painted. He was so excited when I was done and didn’t want to put his socks back on because he wanted to keep looking at them. Good thing Nathan wasn’t home… I don’t think that he would have allowed it to happen! Haha!

Conner has no shame... Look how happy he is to have red toes!
We put up our Christmas tree the other day. Conner liked “helping.” Actually in these pictures Conner is taking the ornaments OFF of the tree and pulling the tops off…
I saved the best picture for last…
My Mom and sister came up to visit so we decided to take Conner to go see Santa. We had gone to the mall a few days before and Santa was walking around passing out candy canes. After Conner got one he said “Ho, Ho, Ho” the rest of the day because he wanted to go back to see Santa to get more candy. So when we went back he immediately ran up to Santa, got his candy cane, opened it, handed Santa the wrapper, and ran back to us to eat it. He kept waving and smiling at Santa… until we tried sitting him on his lap.

His face immediately turned RED… he was not happy! There were a few pictures where he wasn’t crying so hard but Nathan thought that this one was the funniest. When Conner ran back to us he had big tears rolling down his cheeks but when we told him to say bye to Santa he waved and smiled. Both the kid before and after Conner bawled too… poor Santa has the fun job of making little kids cry all day. Maybe next year will be better!


Lena Gilbert said...

hahahah I love that picture! Isak still loves getting his toenails done, I think for christmas I might get him and lucy some colored nail polish. Maybe I'll throw some in conner's stocking too...annoymously of course...

Victoria Gilbert said...

haha awesome picture! We have one just like that from when Josh was a baby. So hilarious :)
We should do a pedicure party with our kids over christmas. I think they would love it :) And so would all the daddies!