Saturday, December 4, 2010

20 Weeks

Halfway there! I can feel the baby moving all the time and I LOVE it. It is definitely my favorite part about being pregnant. My not so favorite part is having all my clothes getting tighter and tighter... at least that means that he is getting bigger and stronger. We are excited for little Jayden to join our family. We are trying to get Conner used to the idea of having a little brother. Whenever we ask him "where is baby Jayden?" he comes over and points to my tummy. Although he probably doesn't know what that means it is really cute!


Krista said...

You look great, Steph! I am sure Conner will love being a big brother.

Lena Gilbert said...

You look great Steph! I am so glad you put up a picture! I am excited for christmas and maybe we can fit in some baby shopping!

susan said...

You look daring!

Whitney said...

You look so cute pregnant! That's so exciting. So have you finished a package of nutter butter's yet? HaHa Can't wait to meet Jayden!

Ashley Nicole Designs said...

So Cute! I love seeing the "Belly Pictures" Having 2 little boys is so fun but you'll definitely have your hands full! Good luck!