We are so excited! We had our ultrasound yesterday and saw the little guy for the first time. He kept opening and closing his mouth, it was so cute. He was also flipping around like crazy. The ultrasound tech said “I can’t believe how active he is! I am having a hard time getting my measurements!” She laughed and asked me “Did you eat a whole bunch of candy before you came in or something?” I was like “No, just look at his older brother running around the room yelling… we just have super active children.” (I blame that on Nathan…) Conner was the exact same way in my belly… bouncing around like crazy. I can see it now… two little blondies running around causing all sorts of mischief. I’m excited for Conner to have a little buddy. We are going to name him Jayden Dell. We are already so excited to meet him!

Other News: We have been getting lots of snow and Conner LOVES going outside to “help” Dad shovel the driveway. He doesn’t care how freezing cold it is outside… he wants to be out there! I love how cute he looks all bundled up.
For Thanksgiving we went down to Idaho Falls. Our family is getting so big so we had our own dinner at my parents house. It was delish! My brother in law Ryan deep fried a turkey and my Mom baked one. Nathan was in charge of the gravy. (He did a good job by the way.)
Nathan and I bravely decided to go “Black Friday” Christmas shopping. It started Thursday night at 10 pm at Toys R Us. We waited in a ridiculously long line for an hour and a half before we decided that it wasn’t worth it… It was freezing cold and I couldn’t feel my feet! We had better luck at all the other stores that we went to. We just waited until about 30 minutes after each store opened to go in and we still got almost everything that we wanted! We didn’t sleep ALL NIGHT LONG! I don’t think I have ever pulled an all-nighter in my life! Later that afternoon I took a 3 hour nap but that was all the sleep that I got until that night. (Nathan only got an hour and a half!) I know that we are CRAZY but at least we got most of our Christmas shopping done and we got a good deal too! I love me a good deal!