Sunday, March 27, 2011

Birthdays and Kidney Stones

A lot of things have happened recently but I suppose I will start from the beginning… Conner and I went to Idaho Falls for my sister and niece’s birthday parties. We decided to make a vacation of it and stayed for almost a week to have some fun. I figured that it would be my last chance to get away for a while before we have little Jayden. We celebrated my sister Alissa's Bday: Conner LOVES to sing "Happy Birthday" and always thinks that he gets to blow out the candles...

After singing he always yells "cake!" (my favorite part too...)

Here is my niece Kynzee, aka the birthday girl. She LOVED being sang to so much that we did it all over again.

Conner helped blow out her candles AND open her presents.

After finding out that the presents were NOT his:
I have the cutest little nephew who LOVES smiling at everyone... love him!

We were also able to spend a day with both of Nathan's little sisters. Conner loved playing with all of his cousin Naomi's toys. He thanked her with a hug:

I was also able to go out to eat with one of my best friends. Conner and I had a ton of fun visiting everyone!

Now for the "not so fun" part:

The morning after I got back I started cramping and feeling sick to my stomach. Later that evening I felt like I had to use the bathroom REALLY bad but when I tried I could only go a little bit and still felt like I needed to go and it hurt. I started having contractions and feeling sick to my stomach. It was 1:00 in the morning when we finally decided to go into the hospital to find out what the heck was going on. When I got in there they tested for a bladder infection but that wasn’t it and found out that I was dilated between a 2 and a 3 and 80% effaced. When I got up to use the bathroom I started having the WORST pain on the right side of my back. The nurses said right away that it was my kidney and gave me some pain medication… demerol is great stuff… and they sent me to have an ultrasound on my kidneys. They found out that my right kidney was inflamed and wasn’t able to send any urine into the bladder. They couldn’t see any stones and wondered if maybe the baby was sitting on my ureter tube. They decided to send me to have a C.T. Scan and found out that there were small stones in both sides and that the baby was probably not allowing them to pass. They gave me two options A. To put stints in the tubes to allow the stones to pass but that there was a great possibility that it would put me into labor and they would have to remove the stints anyway. Or B. To take the pain for as long as possible (he really wanted me to reach 37 weeks… which was five days away) and then he would induce me and let the stones pass. I decided to last as long as I could but it hurt SO bad! The kidney pain was causing me to have contractions and was making me really nauseous. I was having a hard time eating or drinking anything and started throwing up Friday night so we called the doctor Saturday morning and he told us to come into the hospital to be induced. We called my Mom to start driving to Twin so she could be with Conner. While we waited for her to get here the pain in my back started to get better and the nausea went away and I was able to keep food down. We figured that the pain would be returning soon and still went into the hospital. They hooked me up to an I.V. to rehydrate me and told me that the baby must have moved and that the stones may have passed without me knowing, relieving the pressure on my kidneys. The only way to know for sure would be to do another C.T. Scan but didn’t want to do another one because it isn’t good for the baby. Since I was feeling better they didn’t feel good about inducing so early so we came home. (I was relieved and disappointed all at the same time.) They said if the pain came back that they would induce otherwise I’m going to carry this little guy until he is good and ready to come out on his own… and who knows when that will be!

Throughout all of this I learned a few things: I already love this little baby sooo much and was so concerned about him the entire time. I have an amazing husband who loves me so much and I know that he would do anything for me. And I have a sweet little two year old that loves me too. He was so sweet through all of this. He kept saying “mama sick” and would bring me things to help me feel better and was constantly giving me kisses. We are so lucky to have so many people that care about us! Thank you everyone for your prayers!


Victoria Gilbert said...

Aww poor Steph... what an ordeal. I'm glad it's finally over and you're feeling better! And it's probably better that little Jayden has more time to cook ;) Can't wait to meet him though, and I'm sorry you had to go through all of that pain. No fun. At least you had a sweet hubbie and little boy to take care of you! I love you Steph! Don't worry, Jayden will be here soon!

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

That is so scary! I bet you were freaking out, I would have been! I've had lots of bladder infections and they hurt so bad...but I've heard kidney stones are 10 times worse! I'm glad you're feeling better and that everything is ok with the sweet little babe!

chad and candice said...

PLEASE call me if you need anything!! I am just around the corner! how scary! we will be praying for you!

Mandy said...

Ah, Steph! I've heard those are SO painful and I bet it's worse being pregnant! I think you should just go in there, tell them you're in pain and have a baby! :) You're 37 weeks now- you're good. We miss you! Let us know when Jayden makes his debut. Good luck and we love you 4.

Whitney said...

Kidney stones sound painful! I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm so glad you're feeling better! Hopefully Jayden will come soon since you're already at a 3!!! :) I can't wait to meet him. It was fun seeing you and going to lunch. Miss and love you tons!

Randi and Adam said...

yuck! Kidney stones are horrible! I had them with both babies. with Noah we went to the ER with me puking and contracting. I would go through labor again. that was awful! I have a friend that just got a tube put in her back to drain the fluid off her kidneys because she's got stones blocking her ureters! not fun! I'm so glad that you are feeling better...wish you had a cute baby at home.... but it will happen soon enough! :)