Monday, February 8, 2010

Little Talker

Conner has become quite the little talker and it is so much fun trying to teach him more words. Here are the words that he has been saying a lot lately:

  • "Uh oh"
  • "Hot"

Conner has been saying “Uh oh” and “Hot” for the past couple of months and are his FAVORITE things to say! We spent a few days with my Mom a couple of months ago and while we were there she taught him to say “uh oh.” So now he loves throwing his toys so he can say it. It is really cute except for when he keeps throwing things when we are in public. :)

The first word out of his mouth in the mornings is “hot.” He thinks that it means heater and we have little ones plugged in all over the house. When he sees one he says “hot” until I say “yeah that is hot” and then he has to say it about five more times. These words he started saying more recently:

  • "Mama" (He started babbling “mama” a long time ago but he finally realized that it means me!)
  • "Dada"
  • "Tih Tih" Conner loves his kitty and loves grabbing her and laying on her. He thinks it is hilarious when she hits him in the head with her declawed paw. (He will have to be careful with other non-declawed cats!)
  • "Aaaah duh" He gets excited to say this when he is all done eating in his high chair.

He also knows what “hello?” is but he isn’t very good at saying it yet. He will hold my cell phone (or anything that he has in his hand at the time) up to his ear and say “aaaah?” in the tone of “hello?”

So far these are the words that Conner can say that he knows what they mean. He has become quite the mimicker and loves to copy other sounds and things that we say. A couple of nights ago Nathan burped when we were eating (surprise, surprise) and Conner went “Ecccc” (I don’t know how to spell a burp sound…) to copy him. Haha. Pretty soon we are going to have to be careful what we say around him. :)


The Hatch family said...

i love him sooo much! : )

Randi and Adam said...

He is so cute! I love his big blue eyes. It looks like you guys are in your house now! That must be so nice. Hope you guys are doing good!

Whitney said...

I can't believe he's talking! And he's almost one! That year flew by. You are in your house? That's so exciting!! You better put pictures up soon. Miss you!

susan said...

What an adorable little boy you have! And how lucky he is to have such a wonderful family.

Victoria Gilbert said...

He's so cute!!! I love new baby words... so funny to see how they interpret our crazy language :)